Software dan Games PC

Download Realtek Audio Drivers for Windows 8

Audio drivers are available to download from official website, Realtek drivers for Windows 8, and can provide changes in the audio system of your motherboard. Realtek High Definition Audio codec is based on Microsoft UAA (Universal Audio Architecture). Series 10 offers the DAC method that simultaneously supports 7.1 sound playback, plus two means of independent stereo sound output (different streaming) through the results in the front panel stereo. Get the combination of great and simple control function to complete integrated audio solution for home entertainment PC.


Realtek High Definition Audio For Windows 8 :

Publisher = Realtek

Publisher web site =

License model = Free

Operating systems = Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

  • Direct Sound 3D compatible.
  • Meets Microsoft WLP 3.10 and future WLP audio requirements.
  • Multi bands of software equalizer and tool are provided.
  • WaveRT based audio function drivers for Windows 8.
  • Beam Forming (BF) technology for voice application, (NS) Noise Suppression and (AEC) Microphone Acoustic Echo Cancellation.

Download Realtek High Definition Audio

To ensure you get all the features or customizations that appear in the original audio product, please download the latest Realtek HD Audio drivers For Windows 8 from your system/motherboard manufacturer’s website.

Download Realtek Audio Drivers for Windows 8,

Diterbitkan pada: Senin, 18 Maret 2013
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