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Features and Main Advantages of Kaspersky Antivirus

As networks grow, so do computer viruses and other threats to personal computer security. After a little more basic code, a computer virus is a program capable of advanced stealth technology and polymorphism. To protect your software and data, Kaspersky Labs offers antivirus protection beneficial for both home users and organizations. Some viruses are little more than a nuisance, but the other is a complex code that was created to destroy the hard drive right after the transfer of critical data and financial information for the programmer of the virus.

To protect themselves, customers and your organization against identity theft and the devastating economic losses, you must protect your system with anti-virus protection can best be obtained. Kaspersky antivirus sophisticated responses to see through several layers of encrypted viral code and remove the virus before it affects your personal computer.

Kaspersky Lab – anti-virus software and Web security across the world who won awards consistently ranked above their competitors in independent testing and evaluation of anti-virus software. In addition, Kaspersky items can be customized, allowing users to change the look of the interface and modify the analysis based on user activity.

Kaspersky Antivirus Features

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The main advantages and features of Kaspersky Internet Security stops Netbook PC or slowed down by cyber criminals and provide unparalleled security while protecting online from, music and photo files from hackers :

  • real-time proactive protection against all Internet threats Much better.
  • Avoid all types of known and unknown malware infecting your computer.
  • New Secure Internet Browsing new security features unmatched.
  • In the Safe Surf websites never exposed to harmful or offensive. Regular database updates of Kaspersky Lab Surf safe means automatically block sites that do not want, how they arise.
  • Protect your digital identity every time the better.
  • Smart anti-phishing protection and a virtual keyboard keep your digital identity is completely secure when shopping, banking or social networking online.
  • Parental Control feature rich and effective Much better.
  • Advanced product features parental controls to prevent, limit and registration applications and Internet access so that their children safe online.
  • Each program has a right and access to system resources based automated database security risk assessment of Kaspersky Lab in the clouds.
  • If the threat, users are asked to draw malware activity.
  • Only safe way to run applications and improved web site.
  • Installation CD can also be used as a bootable rescue disk to help restore your system if you feel necessary. If you have downloaded the product yourKaspersky laboratory can create its own rescue CD with the program.
  • Check the status of the protection of spare parts and quick access to security features and configuration options has never been easier.

The global leader in the industry Wide Web as a threat response, plus a range of features, makes the point most effectively Kaspersky antivirus protection available on the market. (

Features and Main Advantages of Kaspersky Antivirus,

Diterbitkan pada: Senin, 15 Juli 2013
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